Configuration and management

DNS Probe is configured at startup through a YAML file. Runtime remote management API is planned to be implemented in future releases. When everything is in place, the API is expected to provide the following functionality:

  • configuration datastores and data-driven API for configuration and management
  • remote configuration and management via standard protocols
  • real-time access to state data and statistics
  • RPC operations
  • event notifications
  • unified configuration and management that includes other system components such as DNS servers or routing daemons.

Data model

DNS Probe uses local file in YAML format to load configuration at startup. Its schema tree looks as follows:

+--rw <instance-id>?
   +--rw coremask? <uint64>
   +--rw dnstap-socket-group? <string>
   +--rw dnstap-socket-list?* <string>
   +--rw dns-ports?* <uint16>
   +--rw export
   |  +--rw asn-maxmind-db? <string>
   |  +--rw backup-remote-ip-address? <string>
   |  +--rw backup-remote-port? <uint16>
   |  +--rw cdns-blocks-per-file? <uint64>
   |  +--rw cdns-export-response-rr? <boolean>
   |  +--rw cdns-fields?* <string>
   |  +--rw cdns-records-per-block? <uint64>
   |  +--rw country-maxmind-db? <string>
   |  +--rw export-dir? <string>
   |  +--rw export-format? <enumeration>
   |  +--rw file-compression? <boolean>
   |  +--rw file-name-prefix? <string>
   |  +--rw file-size-limit? <uint64>
   |  +--rw location? <enumeration>
   |  +--rw parquet-records-per-file? <uint64>
   |  +--rw pcap-export? <enumeration>
   |  +--rw remote-ca-cert? <string>
   |  +--rw remote-ip-address? <string>
   |  +--rw remote-port? <uint16>
   |  +--rw timeout? <uint32>
   +--rw interface-list?* <string>
   +--rw ipv4-allowlist?* <string>
   +--rw ipv4-denylist?* <string>
   +--rw ipv6-allowlist?* <string>
   +--rw ipv6-denylist?* <string>
   +--rw ip-anonymization
   |  +--rw anonymize-ip? <boolean>
   |  +--rw encryption? <enumeration>
   |  +--rw key-path? <string>
   +--rw knot-socket-count? <uint32>
   +--rw knot-socket-path? <string>
   +--rw log-file? <string>
   +--rw pcap-list?* <string>
   +--rw raw-pcap? <boolean>
   +--rw statistics
   |  +-- backup-remote-ip? <string>
   |  +-- backup_remote-port? <uint16>
   |  +-- export-dir? <string>
   |  +-- export-stats? <boolean>
   |  +-- location? <enumeration>
   |  +-- moving-avg-window? <uint16>
   |  +-- remote-ca-cert? <string>
   |  +-- remote-ip? <string>
   |  +-- remote-port? <uint16>
   |  +-- stats-fields?* <string>
   |  +-- stats-per-ip <boolean>
   |  +-- stats-timeout? <uint32>
   +--rw tcp-table
   |  +--rw concurrent-connections? <uint32>
   |  +--rw timeout? <uint64>
   +--rw transaction-table
      +--rw match-qname? <boolean>
      +--rw max-transactions? <uint32>
      +--rw query-timeout? <uint64>

Configuring DNS Probe via YAML file


Configuration interfaces are somewhat spartan and rudimentary in the current version of DNS Probe. More user-friendly approaches are being worked on.

After installation, a default YAML configuration file is installed at <INSTALL_DIR>/etc/dns-probe-<BACKEND>/dns-probe.yml. By default, DNS Probe will try to load configuration from this file at startup.

The contents of the default file can be edited by user or a different YAML configuration file can be provided to DNS Probe via the -c command line parameter.

In future releases it will be possible to configure and manage DNS Probe remotely using a remote management API.

Configuration parameters

All YAML configuration parameters appear in the top-level instance-id container. instance-id uniquely identifies given instance of DNS Probe with its configuration. Instance ID of DNS Probe instance can be set at startup by the -n command line parameter. Only configuration with this particular instance-id will then be loaded from YAML configuration file. User can configure multiple instances of DNS Probe from one YAML file like this.

A special instance-id is default. Configuration set under default instance is loaded by all instances of DNS Probe before its specific instance configuration. A common configuration for all instances can be set using this special instance-id.

DNS Probe binaries internally contain default values for all configuration options so the default instance configuration can be ommited from YAML configuration file. This means that user only has to specify options differing from default values for a specific instance of DNS Probe in the YAML file.

For more information about the YAML configuration file format see Default YAML file.

List of configuration parameters

This section lists all configuration parameters in alphabetical order.


data node:<instance-id>/ip-anonymization/anonymize-ip

If this flag is true, client IP addresses in exported data (Parquet or C-DNS, NOT optional PCAPs) will be anonymized using Crypto-PAn prefix-preserving algorithm.


data node:<instance-id>/export/asn-maxmind-db

Path to Maxmind ASN database. If this option is set to a valid database file, the asn implementation field in exported Parquets or C-DNS will be filled with Autonomous System Number (ASN) based on client’s IP address.


data node:<instance-id>/export/backup-remote-ip-address

Backup IP address for remote export of the DNS records. Will be used if location is set to remote.


data node:<instance-id>/statistics/backup-remote-ip

Backup IP address for remote export of run-time statistics. Will be used if location is set to remote and export-stats is set to true.


data node:<instance-id>/export/backup-remote-port

Backup tranport protocol port number for remote export of the DNS records. Will be used if location is set to remote.


data node:<instance-id>/statistics/backup-remote-port

Backup transport protocol port number for remote export of run-time statistics. Will be used if location is set to remote and export-stats is set to true.


data node:<instance-id>/export/cdns-blocks-per-file

This parameter takes effect only if cdns is set in export-format. It specifies the maximum number of C-DNS blocks written to one exported file (see Section 7.3.2 in [RFC8618]). If this limit is reached, the export file is closed and a new one started.

The default value of 0 means that there is no limit.


data node:<instance-id>/export/cdns-export-response-rr

If this flag is set to true, exported C-DNS files will contain full Answer and Additional RRs from responses in each record.

NOTE: Won’t work for traffic captured via Knot interface as this data doesn’t contain full RRs.


data node:<instance-id>/export/cdns-fields
default:all fields

This parameter takes effect only if cdns is set in export-format. It is a bit set that determines which fields from the C-DNS schema defined in [RFC8618] will be included in the exported transaction records.


data node:<instance-id>/export/cdns-records-per-block

This parameter takes effect only if cdns is set in export-format. It specifies the maximum number of exported DNS transaction records per one C-DNS block, see Section 7.3.2 in [RFC8618].

The default value of 10000 corresponds to the recommendation in Appendix C.6 of [RFC8618].


data node:<instance-id>/tcp-table/concurrent-connections

The value of this parameter must be a power of 2. It specifies the maximum number of TCP connections that DNS Probe can handle at any given time, which in turn affects the size of in-memory data structures allocated for keeping the status of TCP connections.

The default value of 131072 (2^17) was determined experimentally – it takes into account the default value for max-transactions and the current common ratio of DNS traffic over UDP and TCP. It is recommended to adjust this parameter to actual traffic circumstances in order to optimize memory consumption.


data node:<instance-id>/coremask

Bitmask indicating which CPU cores should DNS Probe use. At least 3 CPU cores are needed, see DNS Probe architecture. Setting more than 3 cores in the bitmask will spawn more worker threads that are used for processing incoming packets.

The default value of 7 indicates that DNS Probe should use the first 3 CPU cores with IDs of 0, 1 and 2.


data node:<instance-id>/export/country-maxmind-db

Path to Maxmind Country database. If this option is set to a valid database file, the country field in exported Parquets or country-code implementation field in exported C-DNS will be filled with ISO 3166-1 country code based on client’s IP address.


data node:<instance-id>/dnstap-socket-group

Name of existing user group under which to create dnstap sockets specified in dnstap-socket-list. By default the group of probe’s process is used.


data node:<instance-id>/dnstap-socket-list

List of unix sockets to process dnstap data from in addition to sockets passed with ‘-d’ command line parameter.


data node:<instance-id>/dns-ports

List of transport protocol port numbers that DNS Probe will check for in incoming packets to recognize DNS traffic.

The default value of 53 is the standard DNS server port as defined in [RFC1035].


data node:<instance-id>/ip-anonymization/encryption

Encryption algorithm to be used during anonymization of client IP addresses if enabled. Four options currently supported:

AES encryption algorithm.
Blowfish encryption algorithm.
MD5 hash function.
SHA1 hash function.


data node:<instance-id>/export/export-dir

Path to an existing local directory for storing export files.

The default value of . means that DNS Probe will use the current working directory from which it was launched.


data node:<instance-id>/statistics/export-dir

Path to an existing local directory for storing run-time statistics in JSON.

The default value of . means that DNS Probe will use the current working directory from which it was launched.


data node:<instance-id>/export/export-format

This value indicates the format for exporting records about DNS transactions. Two options are currently supported:

Apache Parquet columnar format
Compacted-DNS (C-DNS) [RFC8618].


data node:<instance-id>/statistics/export-stats

If this flag is true, run-time statistics will be exported in JSON format every stats-timeout seconds.


data node:<instance-id>/export/file-compression

If this flag is true, the exported Parquet or C-DNS files will be compressed with GZIP. C-DNS export files are compressed in their entirety, and suffix .gz is appended to their names. Parquet format implementation used by DNS Probe compresses only selected parts of the file, and there is no .gz.


data node:<instance-id>/export/file-name-prefix

This option represents the prefix that is prepended to the name of all files exported by DNS Probe.


data node:<instance-id>/export/file-size-limit

This parameter specifies the maximum size of export file in megabytes. It is currently used only for rotating files of the auxiliary PCAP export described in pcap-export below, because estimating the size of data in Parquet or C-DNS files is quite tricky if not impossible.

The default value of 0 means that the export file will never be closed just based on its size.


data node:<instance-id>/interface-list

List of network interfaces to process traffic from in addition to interfaces passed with -i command line parameter.

Fill either with NIC interface names such as eth0 or alternatively with PCI IDs when using DPDK backend and binding NICs to DPDK-compatible drivers manually.


data node:<instance-id>/ipv4-allowlist

List of allowed IPv4 addresses and prefixes to process traffic from.

By default all IPv4 addressess are allowed.


data node:<instance-id>/ipv4-denylist

List of IPv4 addresses and prefixes from which to NOT process traffic.

By default all IPv4 addresses are allowed.

If ipv4-allowlist is not empty this configuration item doesn’t have any effect.


data node:<instance-id>/ipv6-allowlist

List of allowed IPv6 addresses and prefixes to process traffic from.

By default all IPv6 addresses are allowed.


data node:<instance-id>/ipv6-denylist

List of IPv6 addresses and prefixes from which to NOT process traffic.

By default all IPv6 addresses are allowed.

If ipv6-allowlist is not empty this configuration item doesn’t have any effect.


data node:<instance-id>/ip-anonymization/key-path

Path (including file’s names) to the file with encryption key that is to be used for client IP anonymization if enabled. If the file doesn’t exist, it is generated by the probe.

The key needs to be compatible with the encryption algorithm set in the encryption option. User should generate the key using scramble_ips tool installed by the cryptopANT dependency like this:

scramble_ips --newkey --type=<encryption> <key_file>



Number of Knot interface sockets to create in knot-socket-path directory. Might get overriden by -k comand line parameter.



Path to directory in which to create unix sockets for reading Knot interface data. Might get overriden by -s command line parameter.


data node:<instance-id>/export/location

Location for the storage of exported DNS records. Determines if data is stored to local file or sent to remote server.

Valid values are local and remote.


data node:<instance-id>/statistics/location

Location for the storage of exported run-time statistics in JSON. Determines if data is stored to local file or sent to remote server.

Valid values are local and remote.


data node:<instance-id>/log-file

Path (including file’s name) to log file for storing probe’s logs (e.g. /var/log/dns-probe.log). Might get overriden by -l command line parameter.

By default logs are written to stdout.


data node:<instance-id>/transaction-table/match-qname

By default, the 5-tuple of source and destination IP address, source and destination port, and transport protocol is used to match a DNS query with the corresponding response. If this parameter is set to true the DNS QNAME (if present) is used as a secondary key for matching queries with responses.


data node:<instance-id>/transaction-table/max-transactions

The value of this parameter must be a power of 2. It specifies the maximum number of pending DNS transactions that DNS Probe can handle at any given time, which in turn affects the size of in-memory transaction table.

The default value of 1048576 (2^20) was determined experimentally – it should suffice for handling DNS traffic at the line rate of 10 Gb/s. It is recommended to adjust this parameter to actual traffic circumstances in order to optimize memory consumption.


data node:<instance-id>/statistics/moving-avg-window

Time window in seconds for which to compute moving average of queries-per-second* statistics.

Window can be set in interval from 1 second to 1 hour. By default, a 5 minute window is set.


data node:<instance-id>/export/parquet-records-per-file

This parameter takes effect only if parquet is set in export-format. It specifies the maximum number of DNS records per one exported Parquet file. If this limit is reached, the exported file is closed and a new one started.

Parquet format buffers DNS records for one file in memory and then writes them to the file all at once. This can mean significant requirements for RAM as each worker thread buffers data for its own file.

The default value was determined experimentally – the size of an uncompressed export file should then be as close to 128 MB as possible, which is ideal for Hadoop. However, in-memory representation of an exported file of this size can take as much as 1-1.5 GB of RAM!


data node:<instance-id>/export/pcap-export

This parameter controls export of packets to a PCAP file in addition to Parquet or C-DNS export. Possible values are the following:

export all packets processed by DNS Probe to PCAP
export only invalid DNS queries or responses
no PCAP export.


data node:<instance-id>/pcap-list

List of PCAPs to process in addition to PCAPs passed with -p command line parameter.


data node:<instance-id>/transaction-table/query-timeout

This parameter specifies the time interval in miliseconds after which the query or response is removed from the transaction table if no corresponding response or query is observed.


data node:<instance-id>/raw-pcap

Indicates RAW PCAPs as input in pcap-list or from command line with -p parameter. Might get overriden by -r command line parameter.

MUST be set to false if interface-list or -i command line parameter are used.


data node:<instance-id>/export/remote-ca-cert

Path (including file’s name) to the CA certificate against which the remote server’s certificate will be authenticated during TLS handshake. Will be used if location is set to remote.

By default server’s certificate will be authenticated against OpenSSL’s default directory with CA certificates.


data node:<instance-id>/statistics/remote-ca-cert

Path (including file’s name) to the CA certificate against which the remote server’s certificate will be authenticated during TLS handshake for run-time statistics export. Will be used if location is set to remote and export-stats is set to true.

By default server’s certificate will be authenticated against OpenSSL’s default directory with CA certificates.


data node:<instance-id>/export/remote-ip-address

IP address for remote export of the DNS records. Will be used if location is set to remote.


data node:<instance-id>/statistics/remote-ip

IP address for remote export of run-time statistics. Will be used if location is set to remote and export-stats is set to true.


data node:<instance-id>/export/remote-port

Tranport protocol port number for remote export of the DNS records. Will be used if location is set to remote.


data node:<instance-id>/statistics/remote-port

Transport protocol port number for remote export of run-time statistics. Will be used if location is set to remote and export-stats is set to true.


data node:<instance-id>/statistics/stats-fields
default:all fields

This sequence indicates which run-time statistics should be exported if export-stats is set to true.

By default all statistics available in DNS Probe are enabled.


data node:<instance-id>/statistics/stats-per-ip

If this and export-stats flags are true and any IP addresses are set in ipv4-allowlist or ipv6-allowlist, run-time statistics for each of these IP addresses as well as overall run-time statistics will be exported.


data node:<instance-id>/statistics/stats-timeout

Time interval after which run-time statistics will be periodically exported in JSON, if export-stats is set to true. If value is 0, statistics will be exported only on probe’s exit.

Value is in seconds.

RECOMMENDATION: For optimal results the value should be the same as moving-avg-window.


data node:<instance-id>/export/timeout

This paremeter specifies the time interval (in seconds) after which a newly opened export file will be closed and another one started.

The default value of 0 means that the export file will never be closed just based on its age. It can however be closed based on other configuration options described above (cdns-blocks-per-file and parquet-records-per-file).


data node:<instance-id>/tcp-table/timeout

This parameter specifies the time interval in miliseconds after which the TCP connection is removed from the tcp table if no new traffic is observed.